See My Work with Patty Lakinsmith for the ISGB/Bead and Button Convergence Exhibit

Friday, May 21, 2010

Featured Artist- X2 !!!

Wow, it's been a busy month! The stars must have really been in alignment because one of my designs (lil meanie earrings) was featured on two different sites! What a thrill it was to get those emails that start out "you've been featured"!!
The first was at Crafthaus, an on line site for professional artists, designers and craftspeople. This site has some unbelievably talent folks on it, so this was such an honor for me.

The second was Art Jewelry Magazine on line. (see logo on the right) Again, with all the artists submitting their designs, this was quite a surprise and a thrill for me.

This exposure has kept the email and requests coming in, way beyond my expectations! It sure is keeping me busy!

Lil Meanies
This design was inspired by the original piece, Mean Green Mother Earth, that was a collaboration between myself and Patty Lakinsmith, made for the Convergence I last year. We've both had a lot of fun creating designs that we call the "spawn" of  Mean Green Mother Earth.

The original - Mean Green Mother Earth

Patty's Meanie Bracelet

                                                                     Patty's Ring

My necklace

Just a few of the "spawned designs"

Well that's all the news for now.

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